Faubourg Consulting
Luxury is a shared experience

Faubourg Philiosophy
JOY : Tapping into the experience. Positivity is essential to Melissa’s work ethic, emphasizing the idea that we must enjoy what we do. Therefore, Melissa carefully selects clients with care and exclusivity because : A professional identity is defined by whom we work for. Melissa chooses clients who are aligned with her own values. The more passion we have for our client, the more we can accomplish together.
ENERGY : Finding inspiration that offers growth. Melissa seeks out clients that inspire her through their work ethic, their product offer, their talent and their energy. Engaging with an inspiring client not only sparks creative energy but also results in beautiful and enriching collaborative work
VISION : Seeing the whole picture. An encompassing vision drives Melissa to select clients who can harmonize with others. The ability to perceive synergy between brands and the capacity to pursue a common strategy is one way we find new growth. Through this dynamic approach, we not only foster fruitful collaborations but also nurture a shared journey towards collaboration and success.
Content Consulting
What does your content say about your brand?
Client Experience
Client or user experience, whether in store or on-line are what brings clients back for more.
Expanding the reach of your brand towards new horizons.
Shopping Adventures
Melissa’s guilty pleasure : For retail clients who want to shop with her at her favourite brands!
Inspired by you, ignited by us.
Elevate your brand with Faubourg Consulting’s luxury experience services, harnessing joy, energy, and vision for passionate, productive success.
A Little About Melissa
- Melissa spent 12 years as a luxury insider with access to a very prestigious clientele at the most exclusive luxury house in Paris, France.
- Digitally savvy, with a penchant for content creation Melissa crafted an online presence to highlight and enhance her daily work.

« Inspired by you, ignited by us »

Melissa Ladd
Founder, Faubourg Consulting